Hello? I am Mangysama I hate a lot of things, and  I don't particularly like anything...
But seriously, I like a lot of things, and I have a lot of hobbies. Two of which are watching anime and playing video games. But like everything in this world there is always a bad. When it comes to anime and video games (and anything in general) there tends to be a lot of arguing between "fan boys." Now, I don't see why people fight such over such stupid things. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, and if you don't like someone's opinion then there's no need to fight! Just accept it. Nothing in this world is fully loved, whether it's video games, anime or even people. There will always be someone who dislikes... Now I guess people reading this would most likely ask what my favourite anime and favourite video games are. I will tell but to avoid fights in the comments hear this. Everything is unique in it's own way. Naruto can give you something One Piece cannot, and vice versa. Naruto gives you the unpredictable story  while One Piece's story is very predictable. However, One Piece can give you a certain level of character development, which is something Naruto doesn't give you.
Moving on. 
My favourite video game is Final Fantasy VII.
While my favourite anime is probably Death Note.
Now that's clear, I shall warn you before you start posting that I am not a "fan boy" of any series or anything at all. You can say negative things towards something I enjoy and I will not be offended...
AltEnding and Nuggets are awesome. Nuff said.
Good day...
[Maybe thinking of posting review's for anime's and video games.]
[I'm not too sure. :/]
Retro games FTMFW!

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